Inspiration Artwork

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

I am officially back!

Wow...what can I say about the was great.

I drove as fast as my little Scion would allow, with only 103 HP less then most motorcycles I can go about 80 without feeling like I might kill the engine. I arrived at the pass at around 9:30am I think two people beat me! Needless to say I got there, talked for about an hour then dragged everything I owned into the building as the front desk clerk starred in wonder!

Side note: If you have never been to a retreat ... you would be amazed...scrapbookers bring everything with them some people require more then one cart. I however, filled up one by myself and realizes gone are the days when I can ride with a friend. I cannot fit a friend into my car and I am sorry not sacrificing one piece of paper to bring you! I will waive to you as I drive by.

Back to the retreat... I struggled to get started right off the bat. I was just uninspired so I made the cards you see above and then I went to the bar looking for inspiration...I didn't find it there, but I did find some cold ones.

Friday morning after I scared my roommate half to death, because I sleep walk and talk...I was able to actually achieve a couple pages that I am rather proud of. I will post pictures as soon as I find my memory card or buy a new one. We laughed a lot and talked a lot and got mostly nothing done. After dinner we returned and finished up are projects. But it was someones birthday I forget we went to the bar. However, before I could get more then one drink in me, the Mexican bartender very nice made it clear he wanted to go home by turning the music up so loud that no conversation but sign language could be heard.

Saturday morning I got up late...rushed to get prepared for a party I had in Samammish and shot done the mountain, once again petal pinned! I had a good party and went even faster home to the retreat. I was so afraid I was going to miss Italian Night! I was the last one up around 4am and actually managed to pull out some fabulous pages!

Sunday is always sad and a rush to make it appear that the $300.00 you paid for the retreat the $100.00 in product at the retreat, the $500.00 before the retreat, and the bar tab was not all in vain and that your husband actually will see some pages completed! So I worked until they kicked me out. Drove home at 80mph and I am still trying to unpack!

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